
My goodness, where to start? My life has been a tapestry of incredible experiences. I’ve been tremendously fortunate to be surrounded by amazing individuals. Growing up in a bustling household of eight children, we quickly learned the value of looking out for each other from a young age.


At the tender age of three, my parents separated, and it marked the last time I saw my father. With my mom juggling multiple jobs and serving in the military, my sister Leah and I found ourselves under the care of our Granny.


She became our primary caregiver and the pillar of our upbringing. She cared for us, tending to us, nurturing us, and being a steadfast presence through both the highs and lows. Her creative spirit sparked our passion for music and art, shaping our love for both.

In fact, I honored her legacy by naming my website after this remarkable woman, the original Granny.


As a teenager, I was part of an all-girls band named the ‘Pretty Kittens.’ Following that incredible experience, I established ‘The Lynda Gale Show.’ For many years, I reveled in the joy of being a singer—it truly was the time of my life. My passion for crafting, creating, and handiwork only flourished over the years

working on christmas

Over the span of many years, I’ve dedicated myself to honing my creative skills and find immense joy in expressing my creativity. I hope my work reflects the deep passion I have for crafting, as every piece is made with you in mind. My goal is for you to not just see, but feel the love and dedication poured into every creation of mine.

Thank you for investing your time with me. I’m thrilled at the prospect of us becoming great friends on this journey ahead. I sincerely hope that you’ll take as much delight in my crafting adventures as I do in bringing them to life.

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